Spring Forward - Welcoming the Equinox

The spring equinox marks a special time in the year when the day and night are in equal length. This transition from winter to spring signifies the renewal of life, growth, and the emergence of new beginnings. As we move forward with later sunsets and warmer weather, we can awaken from the winter's rest and begin to think about what intentions we want to set for ourselves, what seeds we want to plant and how we can grow into our true potential.

For many, the spring equinox is a time to reflect on personal growth and set new goals for the coming year. It’s a time to let go of the old and welcome the new.

 As the earth begins to thaw and bloom, it’s an opportunity to do the same within ourselves. This can be a time of rebirth and transformation.

For some, this may mean expanding their skills or taking on new projects. It’s a time to take on challenges that may have seemed impossible before. For others, it may be about letting go of old habits and beliefs that no longer serve them. It’s a time to move beyond self-limiting beliefs and social conditioning that can hold us back.

As we embrace the shift in the seasons, we can use this time to plant new seeds of intention. These intentions can be simple or complex. They can be personal, professional, or spiritual. They can be related to health, relationships, finances, or anything else that we want to grow in our lives.

For me, this time of year is particularly meaningful as I look to expand my healing practice by offering hypnotherapy to my clients. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool in helping people overcome self-limiting beliefs, old patterns and social conditioning. By helping my clients tap into their inner wisdom and align with their true potential, I can be better equipped to help overcome obstacles and live more fulfilling lives. This spring, I’m excited to explore new avenues for growth and help more clients transform their lives.

As we welcome the Spring equinox, we can also look to the wisdom of nature for guidance. Just as the earth begins to bloom and transform, we can allow ourselves to be guided towards our true potential. By opening ourselves up to new possibilities, we can create a life that is more aligned with our deepest desires.

In conclusion, the spring equinox is a powerful time for growth and renewal. As we move forward with later sunsets and warmer weather, we can awaken from the winter's rest and begin to think about what intentions we want to set for ourselves. Whether we’re planting new seeds of intention or letting go of old beliefs and habits, this is a time to embrace new beginnings and move towards our true potential. Let us all welcome this special time of year with open hearts and open minds.

- Jesse Mansfield

The power of frequent and diverse treatments = Freedom from pain

Myofascial release is a type of therapy used to treat pain and discomfort in the muscles and connective tissues. It involves applying gentle pressure to the affected area in order to release tension and restore proper movement. While one myofascial release treatment can provide some relief, multiple treatments are often necessary to achieve long-lasting results.

Here are some reasons why multiple myofascial release treatments are more valuable than just one session per month:

  1. Pain relief builds over time: While one myofascial release session can provide immediate relief, the full benefits of the treatment only become apparent with repeated sessions. As the therapist works to release tension and restore proper movement, the benefits accumulate and the pain and discomfort become less frequent and intense.

  2. Addresses the root cause of the problem: Myofascial pain often stems from underlying issues such as posture, repetitive motions, or injury. By scheduling multiple treatments, the therapist can address these underlying causes and help prevent the pain from returning.

  3. Promotes overall well-being: Myofascial release not only relieves pain, but it also improves flexibility, reduces stress, and increases circulation. Regular treatments can help maintain these benefits and promote overall well-being.

  4. Creates lasting change: One myofascial release treatment may provide temporary relief, but repeated treatments can create lasting change in the muscles and connective tissues. The therapist can address any new or recurring areas of tension as they arise, helping to prevent pain and discomfort from returning.

  5. Customized approach: Every person's body is unique, and therefore each person's myofascial pain is also unique. By scheduling multiple treatments, the therapist can assess the patient's progress and tailor the treatments to their specific needs, ensuring that the therapy is as effective as possible.

  6. Improves posture: Poor posture is a common cause of myofascial pain. By regularly receiving myofascial release treatments, the therapist can work to improve the patient's posture, reducing the strain on the muscles and connective tissues and reducing the likelihood of pain returning.

  7. Enhances athletic performance: Athletes are often prone to myofascial pain due to the repetitive motions and physical demands of their sport. Regular myofascial release treatments can help athletes improve their performance by reducing pain, increasing flexibility, and improving overall mobility.

  8. Reduces the need for medication: Pain medication can be addictive and can have negative side effects. By receiving multiple myofascial release treatments, patients can reduce their reliance on medication and instead find relief through natural, holistic means.

Myofascial pain can be debilitating and limit one's quality of life. By scheduling multiple myofascial release treatments, patients can achieve long-lasting relief, improve their posture, enhance their athletic performance, reduce the need for medication, and improve their overall well-being. The cumulative benefits of multiple myofascial release treatments make them a valuable investment in one's health and well-being.

In conclusion, multiple myofascial release treatments are more valuable than just one session per month because they provide greater pain relief, address the root cause of the problem, promote overall well-being, and create lasting change. If you're suffering from myofascial pain, scheduling regular myofascial release treatments can help you achieve long-lasting relief and improve your quality of life.

By - Jesse Mansfield


John Barnes is very active in educating both therapists and patients. He still teaches thousands of therapists in person every year and writes many articles for patients to better understand what is possible with Myofascial Release. I recommend visiting his website www.myofascialrelease.com.

If you are doing research on Myofascial Release for a loved one and they live some where else, you can search for John Barnes trained therapists .

What is John Barnes Myofascial release?

True JFB MFR is a full-body, handson technique developed and refined by John F. Barnes, PT. This technique  releases  the fascial system, a three dimensional web connecting and surrounding every system and cell in the body. To help people get the idea of the role of the fascial system, I like to compare the human body to an orange.

Outer layer:  the thick, white, hard tissue that attaches an orange to the peel is similar to the fascia  that holds the skin to our body.

Inner Layer: When you cut an orange in half , the white fibers separate the different chambers of the orange. Fascia in our body helps to separate our organs and keep them in place. If it didn’t when we stood up, all our organs would drop down into our legs!

Cellular layer: When you look at an individual orange slice, you see the white fibers weaving  throughout the slice, holding the slice together and also holding in the juice. Again, this is very similar to the fascial system holding our bodies together down to the cellular level. Our bodies are over 70% fluid and the fascial system is what keeps all this fluid (along with all the vital organs, nerves, veins, and artierties) in the right place. 

Through trauma and repetitive motion or positioning (lifting all day and sitting all day), restrictions can form in the fascial system. These restrictions can exert forces up to 2000 pounds per square inch! This force can literally crush any of the vital structures near it. Since the fascial system runs throughout your entire body, there restrictions can cause pain anywhere in the body and comprise any system.

By “system”, I mean vascular, neurological,muscular, reproductive, circulatory, digestive ect. Fascial restrictions can cause digestive problems, fertility problems, circulation problems, neurological problems, cellular problems, muscular problems ect. These restrictions can become tighter over time, leaving you feeling like you are in a straitjacket and sending symptoms throughout your body. 

JFB MFR helps to remove the straitjacket from the body. A skilled therapist look at and treats the entire body, helping to restore balance. Releasing the fascial restrictions throughout the body decreases the crushing forces of fascial  restrictions, which  in turn increases function, decreases pain,  increases blood flow and nutrition to the body, and increases overall health down to the cellular level

Credit: Cathy Covell, PT

How is John Barnes myofascial release different from other forms of therapy?

There are a number of significant differences between JFB MFR and other types of bodywork and traditional therapies. John Barnes method is a whole body technique that engages the fascia and follows what the body needs. Other forms of bodywork and therapies follow protocols and can be called “cookbook techniques” Many only treat symptoms, try to segment the body, and ignore the power of the consciousness. JFB MFR therapists are able to tune into what the individual needs by going to the barrier of the restriction and waiting for the release to occur. Engaging the barrier and allowing the release to occur is a key difference between JFBMFR and other forms of bodywork.

Neither traditional nor alternative therapies hold at the barrier for sufficient time and therefore release only the elastic and muscular component of the myofascial complex. This is why these forms of therapy provide only temporary results. The JBM MFR approach releases  the collagenous aspect of the myofascial complex, bringing about lasting results. The restriction needs to be held at the barrier for at least 3- 5 minutes to allow the collagen to lengthen. 

To illustrate this point, I like to compare two ways of stretching a rubber band. If you stretch a rubber band between your fingers, it lengthens. If you release the stretch after about a minute, the rubber band goes back to its original shape. This is like those therapies which hold at the barrier for only 30 - 45 seconds : all that is produced is a temporary result. The patient may feel relief for a little while, but then the feeling of that old familiar pull and pain returns. 

If you stretch that same rubber band around an object like a book and leave it for several minutes, it will have lengthened when you remove it. This is what JFB MFR does: causes a permanent lengthening of the tissue. These  rubber band stretching examples make it easy to see the difference resulting from holding the stretch for several minutes and to realize the differences in effectiveness is massive.

The awareness cultivated and used by JFB MFR therapist is another big difference between JFB MFR and other types of bodywork and traditional therapies. Feeling a restriction and holding the restriction at the barrier both require awareness. The barrier changes during the treatment as the fascia starts to release. You need to stay focused  and centered to be able to feel the changes in the barrier, keeping at the barrier to keep the system engaged. If too much force is applied, the body starts to resist. If not enough force is applied, change occurs only in the elastic component producing only temporary results. 

- Cathy Covell, PT

How To Practice Self-Care To Prevent Opiate Relapse

How To Practice Self-Care To Prevent Opiate Relapse

Photo via Pixabay by Cuncon

Being in recovery after a period of substance abuse often means learning how to take care of yourself again, mind, body, and soul. It can be difficult to find the best ways to feel good, however, if your self-confidence has taken a hit,  remember that it is often the case with people in recovery. Stress, anxiety, and depression can also take a toll on your health and can lead to a relapse, so it’s imperative to find ways to help your body and mind recover and learn to relax. 

Start by creating a good plan for yourself that is tailored to your needs. For instance, if you work long hours and suffer a lot of stress with your job, learning how to say “No” to extra tasks or asking for help will go a long way toward helping you feel better. You might also take a look at your home to assess whether or not it’s working for you or against you; being disorganized can keep you anxious and unhappy without you even consciously realizing it.

Jesse Mansfield LMT presents a few tips on how to practice self-care to prevent a relapse.

Make your body strong

Building up your body’s strength is a central part of recovery; substance abuse can take a huge toll on you physically and mentally, so it’s important to help your body get healthy. This means exercising daily, drinking plenty of water, and eating well-balanced meals that will help you feel more energetic. Look for a workout plan that fits your needs as well as incorporates something you enjoy doing--such as swimming or spending time with your dog--so you’ll stay motivated. 

Stay social

Substance abuse can take a toll on relationships, too, so it’s important to either repair the ones that are special to you or make new connections. Keeping social ties strong will help you beat stress, and it will give you a strong circle of support for when you feel temptation creeping in, or when you need help forging ahead on a sober path.

Find a hobby

Having a hobby that you enjoy will give you something to look forward to and can build confidence and even social connections. If you’ve always been interested in music, take some lessons, or learn a new language. Challenging yourself to try something new can help you take control--which is important for many individuals in recovery--and can ease stress and anxiety if you really enjoy doing it.

Invest in your skin

Most people either don’t know or forget that skin is the body’s largest organ. Sustained substance abuse can have a profound impact on the skin, leaving it dull, sallow, and dehydrated. To reinvigorate your skin, it’s important to drink plenty of water, wear sunscreen, and regularly apply moisturizer. Consider also investing in clean skincare to amplify your efforts.

Take it easy

Learning to relax isn’t always easy, especially if you’re coping with depression or anxiety, but it’s necessary if you want to feel better. There are many different methods for easing the mind and body of tension, including yoga and meditation, reading a good book, or scheduling a massage with Jesse Mansfield LMT. Think about what makes you feel good in a healthy way and incorporate it into your daily or weekly routine. 

Keep your space positive

Your home should always be a safe space. A place where you can relax, unwind and decompress. If your home is cluttered, disorganized, and dirty, it can weigh on you heavily. Searching through piles of paper, stacks of folded laundry, and dishes in the sink have a way of hindering positivity. To counteract this, take the time to clean your home, and organize and declutter every single spot. Add some plants, keep the windows open and try burning sage to purify the air and rid your home of any negativity. 

Spend time with animals

Animals can be a huge help for individuals in recovery; dogs, cats, and horses are especially popular as therapy animals, and they can help reduce stress, anxiety, and the symptoms of depression. In fact, just petting a dog can lower blood pressure and help you feel more relaxed. Consider getting a pet if you don’t have one, or volunteer at a local animal shelter. However, keep in mind that animals are very intuitive, and they are deeply affected by things like stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling anxious, make sure you pay attention to your pet’s behavior to ensure you’re not causing them to feel overly stressed. 

Practicing self-care can help you build up your self-esteem and your enjoyment of life; it can allow you to focus on your well-being and getting healthy after a period of substance abuse, and it can help you repair bonds that were broken or damaged. Start with a good plan and take it slowly to ensure you get the most out of your new life.

Written by Jason Lewis

How to Keep Your Wellness Resolutions When You’re on a Budget

Written by Jason Lewis

American health and well-being is on the decline, according to a recent poll. Many people set New Year’s resolutions to get healthy and focus on wellness, yet statistics show that most of us give up on our resolutions by February

If you want to bring more self-care and wellness into your life, but you struggle to keep resolutions, it can help to set realistic, achievable, and affordable goals. Here are some tips to help you create a wellness plan (and stick with it) without breaking the bank:

Set Intentions, Not Resolutions

Let’s face it: Keeping a resolution can feel daunting at times. Even worse, if you fall short of your goal or fail to maintain your resolution throughout the year, you might feel like a failure. Instead, consider setting an intention to bring more health and wellness into your life this year. 

According to The Art of Wellbeing, we break our resolutions when they feel too “rigid” or unclear. One alternative is to follow the “desire mapping” process as outlined by author Danielle LaPorte. By tapping into how you want to feel and then setting goals that help you achieve those feelings, you may find it easier to maintain a continued state of wellbeing. 

When it comes to setting goals, the Art of Wellbeing recommends asking yourself the following questions:

  • What is it I really want here? 

  • How do I want to feel? 

  • What are my core desired feelings? 

You can ask these questions in terms of any area of your life, such as money and finances, family and relationships, or health and wellness. Setting flexible goals based on your desired feelings will help you develop a growth mindset, an essential skill for athletes as well as for anyone looking to improve their life.

Plan a Vacation

Nothing can be more rejuvenating than some time away on vacation. Unfortunately, many people don’t go on vacation because they don’t think it’s affordable. One idea is to save by planning a “staycation” and renting a vacation home in the off-season. While you may not be far from home, you can rent a home in your favorite LA neighborhood near the activities you love. For example, if you want to go out to eat, shop, and maybe take in a game or concert, then Central Los Angeles is the ideal location. If you’d prefer a more peaceful vacation, you can rent a beach home in Santa Monica or Venice Beach. Most vacation homes come with fully equipped kitchens so you can save by cooking your own meals as well (and eat healthier).  

Simplify Self-care

What comes to mind when you think of self-care? Perhaps you picture luxurious activities like massages, trips to the day spa, champagne toasts, or exotic travels. However, self-care can be much simpler and more affordable than that!

Here’s how to work wellness into your routine:

  • Yoga is a gentle wellness practice that you can do from the comfort of your home. Search the web for free videos to suit your experience level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) and any physical conditions you might have. For instance, if you have lower back pain, you might look into yoga postures specifically designed to relieve your symptoms.

  • Meditation helps you stay present with mindfulness and deep breathing. This can be a simple, convenient way to bring wellbeing into each day. If you’re new to meditating, free YouTube videos can guide you through a brief meditation. Meanwhile, low-cost smartphone apps can remind you to take regular breaks.

  • Pamper yourself -- even when finances are tight! For instance, even if you’re on a budget, a massage from licensed massage therapist Jesse Mansfield can relieve pain and stress. Call 818.723.6310 to book an appointment.  

Although health and wellness resolutions might feel difficult to maintain at first, that doesn’t mean your goals are unachievable. Start by setting a budget, getting clear on how you’d like to feel, and getting creative with your routine. That way, you’ll be more likely to stick with your self-care goals throughout the new year -- and throughout your lifetime.

Community Highlights: Meet Jesse Mansfield

This year, I had the honor of being approached by local magazine Voyage LA for my first interview about Wellness 360. I speak about my personal story, struggles, and how I started on this path to healing. Enjoy!

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jesse Mansfield.

Hi Jesse, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My path to healing others began with healing myself. I grew up in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, and when my parents divorced when I was ten years old and my only sibling when into the Navy, it was myself and my mother on our own. As a Native American from the Tohono O’odham Nation and African American woman, my mom had her own trauma from childhood and she struggled to give me (and herself) the care we needed during this time. I found a healthy outlet in sports through basketball, baseball and hockey, but I eventually found an unhealthy outlet as a teenager in the form of abusing stimulants to numb the pain. When I realized my truly healthy outlet of fitness was my passion, I began exploring yoga, meditation, ancient plant medicine, and it gave me the strength to get sober. Being so into fitness, I found massage and the healing arts crucial to my recovery, and I found so much joy in helping other athlete friends of mine through massage. I quickly pursued massage school, which lead to a completely transformed life of healing. In my ten years of experience, I have also studied advanced modalities like Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, Advanced Sports Massage, Reiki and beyond. My studies have taken me all over the world and have equipped me to work on all types of bodies from Olympic athletes, the elderly to desktop warriors and beyond. I now live in a lovely home in Cheviot Hills with my new wife and our rescue cats Wesley and Julius, and practice massage and healing arts in West LA at my private office.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
As Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Calm seas never made a good sailor”. I truly feel my challenging past gives me compassion and appreciation for all the people I am honored to heal. Though I have been fortunate to attract a large clientele early in my career, the pandemic had my work and my wife’s, who is also in the healing arts, stopped completely dead in our tracks.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jesse Mansfield.

Hi Jesse, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My path to healing others began with healing myself. I grew up in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, and when my parents divorced when I was ten years old and my only sibling when into the Navy, it was myself and my mother on our own. As a Native American from the Tohono O’odham Nation and African American woman, my mom had her own trauma from childhood and she struggled to give me (and herself) the care we needed during this time. I found a healthy outlet in sports through basketball, baseball and hockey, but I eventually found an unhealthy outlet as a teenager in the form of abusing stimulants to numb the pain. When I realized my truly healthy outlet of fitness was my passion, I began exploring yoga, meditation, ancient plant medicine, and it gave me the strength to get sober. Being so into fitness, I found massage and the healing arts crucial to my recovery, and I found so much joy in helping other athlete friends of mine through massage. I quickly pursued massage school, which lead to a completely transformed life of healing. In my ten years of experience, I have also studied advanced modalities like Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, Advanced Sports Massage, Reiki and beyond. My studies have taken me all over the world and have equipped me to work on all types of bodies from Olympic athletes, the elderly to desktop warriors and beyond. I now live in a lovely home in Cheviot Hills with my new wife and our rescue cats Wesley and Julius, and practice massage and healing arts in West LA at my private office.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
As Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Calm seas never made a good sailor”. I truly feel my challenging past gives me compassion and appreciation for all the people I am honored to heal. Though I have been fortunate to attract a large clientele early in my career, the pandemic had my work and my wife’s, who is also in the healing arts, stopped completely dead in our tracks.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
True to its namesake, Wellness 360 is about looking at the whole person rather than simply a physical injury or concern. Every treatment is completely customized to each person because each person is different and has different challenges each time I see them. I combine all my education to best serve each individual. Not only do I aim for my clients to be free of any chronic pain conditions, I aim to teach them techniques to heal themselves as well. I think about it as helping someone become the greatest version of themselves. I specialize in myofascial release John F. Barnes Method and neuromuscular therapy which combined together can restore the body, mind and spirit. I think what sets me apart is the way I do an intake with my clients. I ask my clients simple yet important questions before we start our treatment, such as their sleep duration, water intake, stress levels, and diet. I want to truly see my clients not it be another quick doctor’s visit. I love being able to see and witness the transformation that happens within a visit.

One thing I would like to let people know is that it’s possible to have a life free from chronic pain conditions, you are destined to be happy.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
Take that leap of faith and trust in yourself. Things always look scary at first whether it’s going on a first date, interviewing for your dream job or doing something you’ve always wanted to try. But you’ll never know how it turns out unless you put yourself out there and try it out. If I could’ve talked to my past self, I would say “Don’t waste time stressing about things that are out of your control, it’s all going to be alright”.


  • Initial consultation $150

  • 60 minute session $110

  • 90 minute session $150

  • 120 minute session $190

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